We woke in Marrakech to the surprise news of Donald Trump being elected President of the USA, with everyone asking, what will this mean for the #ParisAgreement. I attended the US Climate Action Network Press Conference.
"President-elect Trump has the opportunity to catalyze further action on climate that sends a clear signal to investors to keep the transition to a renewable-powered economy on track. China, India, and other economic competitors are racing to be the global clean energy superpower, and the US doesn’t want to be left behind." said Tina Johnson, Policy Director, US Climate Action Network.
While the progress in climate action can be slowed by the US President, it cannot be stopped. Within the United States there are many energy transition programs occurring at the municipal and state level, by individuals, businesses and communities. On an international level, CANSA (Climate Action Network South Africa) Director Sanjay Vashist commented on the US Elections.
"Amidst the looming threat of USA pulling out of Paris agreement, following the election of President- elect Mr. Donald Trump, we would like to remind the world that USA cannot hold climate action to ransom anymore. Climate action is no more just dependent on USA alone, already India, China and other G20 countries are playing a leadership role with their commitments and actions to reduce emissions. Indian government must continue to put pressure on developed countries to not allow USA to shirk its moral and legal obligations to provide finance and reducing domestic emissions” said Sanjay Vashist, Director of Climate Action Network South Asia.
Indeed, 103 nations have already ratified the Paris Agreement, and even if the USA could pull out immediately (and it takes 4 years to withdraw), there are enough nations with enough global emissions for the Paris Agreement to continue in force. Indeed, the momentum and the science is such, that we must continue.
Read below my storify of the press conference:
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