Mastodon CHOGM meeting in Samoa: new report highlights Australia, Canada, UK role in fossil fuel emissions | Climate Citizen --> Mastodon

Thursday, October 24, 2024

CHOGM meeting in Samoa: new report highlights Australia, Canada, UK role in fossil fuel emissions

A New report launched at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa reveals the stark imbalance in fossil fuel extraction across the Commonwealth and highlights the dominance of three wealthy nations—Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom—in driving fossil fuel expansion and emissions. 

The report Uncommon Wealth: Fossil Fuel Expansion in the Commonwealth Dominated by Three Wealthy Countries - was commissioned by the Fossil Fuel Treaty Initiative and based on data from the Global Registry of Fossil Fuels. 

It shows that despite representing only 6% of the Commonwealth’s population, Australia, Canada, and the UK are responsible for over 60% of emissions generated from extraction across Commonwealth countries since 1990. 

For new fossil fuel projects, oil and gas projects under development, with upper- and upper-middle-income Commonwealth countries accounting for over 70% of emissions in new projects.  This is consistent with economic trends globally.  

However, the wealthiest Commonwealth countries are the least dependent upon economic rents generated from the extraction of fossil fuels, with rents in the UK, Australia and Canada representing less than 2% of GDP compared to Commonwealth countries that have contributed far less to climate change as a result of fossil fuel extraction but face greater economic challenges due to their higher dependence on oil rents, e.g.  5% in Malaysia, 7% in Nigeria and Papua New Guinea, and 11% in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It is clear that developing countries need far greater climate finance to support their sustainable economic development. Developed countries should be phasing out fossil fuels, not starting new ones. Developed countries have much greater capacity for reducing and phasing out fossil fuels.

Pacific leaders launched the report at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa earlier today. 

The Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Hon Feleti Teo, did not mince his words when he called these fossil fuel expansion plans a "death sentence." 

The report contains Fossil fuel snapshots of Australia, Canada, UK, India, Nigeria and South Africa.

The report's conclusion:

Under the Paris Agreement, Commonwealth states have pledged to aim to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. In 2023, at COP28 in Dubai, states also agreed to “transition away from fossil fuels”, reiterating this commitment in 2024 at the UN General Assembly's Summit of the Future.

Despite these pledges, commitments, and growing rhetoric, the fossil fuel production plans of Commonwealth countries appear inconsistent with the pledge to limit warming to 1.5C. Of these plans, three countries—Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom—have not only historically accounted for the majority of the group of nations' emissions but continue to dominate current and planned production of fossil fuels.

The wealthiest Commonwealth countries have and continue to benefit the most from coal, oil and gas developments but can also most easily absorb reductions in fossil fuel production.

To display a true commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement and seek a safe and liveable future for the nations within the Commonwealth that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, in particular the Commonwealth’s Small States, these three nations must urgently align their fossil fuel production with a 1.5C pathway, including ending the expansion of new coal, oil and gas extraction. 

Read the report.

Hon. Dr. Maina Vakafua Talia, Minister of Home Affairs, Environment and Climate Change, Tuvalu, said, ”As Tuvalu and other small island states are drowning under the impact of rising seas, it is a death sentence for us if larger nations continue to open new fossil fuel projects. As a Commonwealth family, we must work together to keep our Paris commitments of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees alive and lead in financing a fair transition for countries like ours. We call on our wealthier partners to align themselves with this goal and not fan the flames of the climate crisis with fossil fuel expansion.”

Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Special Envoy for Climate Change and Environment of Vanuatu,  said, “The science and the position of Pacific governments is clear: we need to end fossil fuel expansion and support us in transitioning to a Fossil Fuel-Free Pacific. This is why Vanuatu was the first country to call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, so that we can manage a fast and fair global transition away from fossil fuels. We call on these nations to stand with us and not sacrifice the future of vulnerable nations for short-term gains. As a Commonwealth family, we look to those that dominate fossil fuel production in the Commonwealth to stop the expansion of fossil fuels in order to protect what we love and hold dear here in the Pacific.”

Kumi Naidoo, President of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, said, “Australia, Canada and the UK are quick to claim to be climate leaders, yet they refuse to curb their own fossil fuel expansion while leaving poorer nations to foot the bill for the crisis. Our Uncommon Wealth report shows that these three countries have historically benefited the most from fossil fuels. They owe it to the rest of the Commonwealth to support and finance a fast and fair transition away from coal, oil and gas. We need a global plan to end this reckless behaviour – which is why many Commonwealth states are spearheading the push for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to secure a fair and sustainable future for all."

24 October - Climate Action Network Commonwealth nodes lead by Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) issue a Briefing Note statement calling for 6 major actions from CHOGM.

The Briefing Note calls for true Commonwealth Solidarity calling for immediate action on climate justice, equity, and accountability urging Commonwealth leaders to confront the shared history of colonialism and work collectively toward a resilient and just common future. It has 6 essential asks:


- Climate justice is not just about supporting vulnerable nations globally but acknowledging that they have been made vulnerable as a result of the actions of others, and by addressing systemic inequalities within developed Commonwealth countries.

- Developed Commonwealth nations must confront their own legacies of injustice, particularly the treatment of Indigenous and First Nations peoples, who have long been marginalised and exploited. Addressing these historical wrongs is essential to building a more just and equitable society.

- Governments must implement meaningful policies that prioritise the needs and rights of Indigenous and marginalised communities. This includes supporting their leadership in climate action, protecting their lands, and ensuring access to resources that can help them build resilience in the face of climate change, noting that they are the drivers of transformative change.


- The Commonwealth’s history of colonialism has left deep sorrow filled scars, with former colonies often being the most climate-vulnerable today. This legacy must not be ignored in the conversation around climate action.

- Developed Commonwealth nations, whose wealth was built on the exploitation of colonised countries, must lead in funding and supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in the developing world. The moral wrongs of colonialism cannot be covered over by symbolic gestures; they require restorative justice, which includes real, tangible reparative action.

- The Commonwealth should support a climate just New Collective Quantitative Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance to be agreed at the climate conference, COP29 in Baku in November 2024. In listening to the demands of developing Commonwealth countries, this would see developed countries contribute significantly to climate finance to enable countries made vulnerable by climate change to take the necessary action across all the three pillars of climate action — Mitigation, Adaptation, and Loss and Damage.


- Justice and equity must be at the heart of climate action, both within countries and across the Commonwealth as a whole.

- Developed Commonwealth nations must ensure that their own economic and social policies address the disproportionate impacts of climate change on marginalised communities within their borders, while also supporting countries that have been made vulnerable globally. This is not just an external issue; internal inequities must be addressed as well.

- Countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, which have historically marginalised their Indigenous populations, must prioritise their inclusion in climate decision-making processes. This can be done through co-management of resources, recognition of Indigenous land rights.

- Of course the responsibility of the UK, in its treatment of indigenous people in the lands it took cannot be overstated.

- Developed Commonwealth nations should also provide support to developing countries with the means of implementation including finance, capacity building and technology transfer to become climate resilient nations with decarbonised economies.

- As finance is a critical catalyst for climate action, developed Commonwealth countries have a clear opportunity to show solidarity with the remaining majority of Commonwealth countries who have outlined clearly their vision for the UNFCCC NCQG. This includes: the need for new, additional, predictable, adequate climate finance delivered through public finance provision predominantly as grants from developed to developing countries for mitigation, adaptation and addressing Loss and Damage. Climate finance cannot exacerbate the growing debt burden of developing countries and should align with human rights and the principle of polluter-pays.

These demands which have been articulated through negotiating blocs and groupings like the G77 and China are grounded in equity and justice.

- The Commonwealth and developed Commonwealth countries must build on their existing work in debt management and transparency by advancing climate-resilient debt mechanisms, leveraging their expertise to create pathways for sustainable finance that integrates climate action for countries made vulnerable by climate change. This includes adopting solutions like debt cancellation and expanding the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub to address the financial needs of climate-vulnerable nations.


- The 2023 Christian Aid paper highlights the catastrophic economic losses that Commonwealth countries face due to climate change. Thirteen countries, including Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, are projected to experience GDP reductions of over 20% by 2050 if current climate policies persist.

- The Commonwealth must officially recognize climate change as the single greatest security threat to its members. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and economic instability are creating conditions that threaten peace and security across the globe. This requires climate-resilient pathways for thriving communities for current and future generations, not increased militarization—especially as military spending and emissions worsen the crisis. By implementing adaptation, disaster preparedness, responding to loss and damage, and investing in sustainable economies, the Commonwealth can lead with a focus on human security and climate justice

- The Commonwealth, as the second largest international grouping of states after the United Nations should lead on the basis of human security and climate justice in global forums, including the UN Security Council. A coordinated effort is needed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and enable nations to thrive in spite of climate change through adaptation and by addressing loss and damage, with developed nations providing the resources needed. A significant first step is to ensure that Loss and Damage is recognised as the third pillar of climate action alongside mitigation and adaptation with a dedicated subgoal in the NCQG.


- Developed Commonwealth countries need to immediately end expansion to avoid breaching the 1.5oC temperature limit. Developed countries need to phase out existing production first and facilitate others to do so through quality grants and grant-based finance in a manner that ensures no one is left behind. These nations have the resources and capacity to lead the way, setting a powerful example for the rest of the world, whilst also enabling them to rapidly follow suit through finance and technology transfer

- Developed Commonwealth countries should submit clear timelines for the end of production and expansion in their new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) — encouraging all developed countries to do the same, by example.


- Building resilient societies requires the empowerment of marginalised communities, particularly women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, LGBTQIIA+ communities, the displaced, and older people.

- Commonwealth nations must prioritise policies that empower all citizens to participate fully in climate action. This includes addressing gender inequality, providing education and employment opportunities, and ensuring access to essential services such as clean water, healthcare, and food security.

- Commonwealth leaders should work with local communities to develop inclusive and equitable climate strategies that reflect the needs and aspirations of the most vulnerable. This will not only strengthen social resilience but also create more just and sustainable societies.:

24 October - ABC News reports Pacific nations pressure Australia, UK and Canada over climate record (ABC News

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is attending CHOGM and will meet with a host of leaders from across its 56 member nations. 

Foreign Minister Penny Wong is also attending and said on Thursday morning that Australia was transitioning its economy to net zero. "Australia has to reduce its emissions, but the whole world — if we are going to combat sea level rise, temperature rising — the whole world will have to peak and reduce emissions," she said.

Here is a transcript excerpt from the interview with Foreign Minister Penny Wong, TV interview, ABC News Breakfast with Bridget Brennan:

Brennan: You must be cognisant that they're pressing Australia to end fossil fuel exports. Are we listening?

Foreign Minister: Well, look, I have spent the last two and a half years or two and a bit years travelling through the Pacific. I've visited every Pacific Island Forum member, I am acutely aware, as is the Prime Minister and our whole Government, of what climate change is here in the Pacific.

You know, you might recall Peter Dutton made a joke about water lapping at people's doors. Well, we are with them, working with them on how we increase climate resilience, climate adaptation. We have the groundbreaking treaty with Tuvalu which enables mobility with dignity, and also, we have legislated very ambitious targets.

Brennan: So then how do we explain our decision to enable the expansion of coal mines, for example, to countries where they're seeing the water rising very quickly?

Foreign Minister: Well, it is the case that we have to transition our economy, and we will do that; we are doing that. That is a big task. When we came to government, I think some 30 per cent of our electricity was from renewable sources, and obviously our target is 82 per cent by 2030. That's a very big turnaround, and we're well on the way to doing that.

But I would make this point: the whole world needs to work to reduce our emissions. The majority of new, the vast majority of new coalfired power is in developing countries, as it is in China. Australia has to reduce its emissions, but the whole world, if we are going to combat sea level rise, temperature rising, the whole world will have to peak and reduce emissions.

24 October - Analysis of climate as main issue at CHOGM by Liam Moore, Lecturer in International Politics and Policy, James Cook University. ‘We will not allow others to determine our fate’: Pacific nations dial up pressure on Australia’s fossil fuel exports (The Conversation)

23 October - Climate Change at top of CHOGM agenda. Interview with ABC foreign affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic who highlights that climate change is top of the agenda. Also discusses the need for climate finance, colonial reparations, and impact of Senator Lidia Thorpe actions in Australia.

The associated ABC online story: Excitement in Samoa as King Charles III and other world leaders fly in for CHOGM 

23 October: In the lead up to COP29 in Baku, Commonwealth leaders and climate experts call for additional climate finance (The Commonwealth)

23 October: Apia Ocean Declaration to be ‘crown jewel’ of CHOGM climate ‘fight back’ (Asia Pacific Report)


Fossil Fuel Treaty, 24 October 2024, Uncommon Wealth: Fossil Fuel Expansion in the Commonwealth Dominated by Three Wealthy Countries,

Transcript Of Interview with Foreign Minister Penny Wong, TV interview, ABC News Breakfast with Bridget Brennan, 24 October 2024, 

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