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Photo: David Tong, Oil Change International |
Will the conference achieve even a modicum of success in moving forward Loss and Damage and establishment of a Loss and Damage Finance Facility? That is still unknown.
A small battle was won at the start of COP27 to get Loss and Damage on the formal Agenda, but that is no gurantee of an outcome. There are countries who are still interested in delay, kicking the can down the road.
So on Friday members of civil society dressed in blue to Flood the COP at the conference. Most of the meetings had been shut down anyway due to the presence of US President Joe Biden and his speech announcing more details of actions the US is taking.
Early this week there was another flooding problem: a major sewerage flood at the UN Climate Change conference in Sharm El-Shiekh. Enough for people to start calling it Sharm El-Shit.
This is symptomatic of many problems and stories coming out of this COP. Expensive food, with long queues. Very little access to water, initially. Delegates being rorted by accommodation jacking up prices. Little shade or space for civil society to organise. The atmosphere of suppression of local civil society and human rights.
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Photo: David Tong, Oil Change International |
Oxfam captured the mood
This year alone, millions around the world have been impacted by the #ClimateCrisis, including recent devastating floods in Pakistan and Nigeria.
— Oxfam (@oxfamgb) November 11, 2022
Women from frontline communities brought the flood to #COP27, urging those most responsible to #PayUp4LossAndDamage. #FloodTheCOP pic.twitter.com/2wGU5a3SCf
#FloodTheCop is here! Pay up for loss and damages! @CANEurope pic.twitter.com/7ywzK4C8CO
— Chiara Martinelli (@MartinellChiara) November 11, 2022
Another huge action here at #COP27: over a hundred activists #FloodTheCOP calling for #LossAndDamage finance now!
— Jon Bonifacio (@jamzbonifacio) November 11, 2022
Top polluters must pay up — and the Philippine delegation here at COP needs to push these countries to do so immediately!#ClimateJusticeNow pic.twitter.com/NSRSKrpSxS
مجموعة من شابات وشبان الجنوب العالمي الفاعلين في العمل المناخي يحرصون على نقل صورة الفيضانات التي تجتاح بلادهم إلى قمة المناخ #COP27 خلال فعالية بعنوان #FloodTheCOP لتذكير كبار الملوثين بأن دفع فاتورة #الخسائر_والأضرار قد حان موعده! #ClimateJusticeNow pic.twitter.com/G5wOzA8g6q
— Greenpeace غرينبيس (@GreenpeaceAR) November 11, 2022
Loss and Damage Co-ordination provided an informative thread of the Flood the COP and the Loss and Damage issue with the visit of Joe Biden to COP27.
2/13. Today was also #DecarbonizationDay. While many events focused on #Mitigation the realities of #LossAndDamage must drive transformation to scale up #Mitigation ambition and mobilise finance for #Adaptation to avoid and reduce future #LossAndDamage to the extent possible.
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
3/13. At 3.30pm #CivilSociety held a #FloodTheCOP27 action to demand that #Polluters #PayUp4LossAndDamage! The action demanded an end to #BlahBlahBlah on #LossAndDamage finance and the establishment of a #LossAndDamage Finance Facility at #COP27. pic.twitter.com/hbhtHh7qVD
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
5/13. Parties also acknowledged that civil society has been a significant driver of ambition on #LossAndDamage finance including on the agenda item. Negotiations will continue at 12 pm tomorrow.
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
7/13. Today @POTUS @JoeBiden arrived in #SharmElSheikh and was welcomed to #COP27 with messages from young activists including @vanessa_vash,@mitzijonelle,@Preciouskalomb4 and @DominikaLasota1 demanding that he SHOW US THE MONEY and #PayUp4LossAndDamage.https://t.co/RMrxfoYl85
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
9/13. According to the #COP27 tracker from @e3g @JoeBiden announced that the #US will double its contribution to the @adaptationfund to $100m over two years and provide $150m for adaptation initiatives with a focus on #Africa including #AfricaAAI.https://t.co/ZhvH6cHXtT
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
12/13. Tomorrow is the last day of week one of #COP27 with the #SBI and #SBSTA closing plenaries towards the end of the day with negotiations on the funding arrangements for #LossAndDamage and the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage set to continue.
— Loss and Damage Collaboration (L&DC) (@LossandDamage) November 11, 2022
Sharm El-Shit
Logistische Probleme erschweren konstruktive Arbeit der #COP27 Hotels sind überteuert und wurden kurzfristig storniert. Auf dem Gelände: wlan wackelig, Wasserspender meist leer, kein Kaffee und lange Schlangen. Gestern flutete Abwasser einige Außenbereiche #FloodTheCOP Film:König pic.twitter.com/xT45i3Ac13
— BUNDjugend (@BUNDjugend) November 10, 2022
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