Australian Targets

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Global warming driven Lethal Heat poses huge mortality risk. Business needs to lead, guided by government policy says Fortescue Chairman Andrew Forrest

Dr Andrew Forrest, Iron Ore Billionaire and Chairman of Fortescue, gets that we have a climate emergency.

Maybe it was that marine science degree he did.

Fortescue has set real zero emissions targets by 2030, not net zero, no fiddling with carbon offset credits with questionable integrity.

He wants the phase out of Fossil Fuel Subsidies, better regulation by government, including to stop approval of new coal, oil and gas.

While governments need to lead on regulation, businesses need to also step up, forget carbon credits, real zero emission targets are needed.

He understands what we face with deaths from Lethal heat as temperatures rise. Yes, including in the northern bounds of Australia where temperatures over 35C plus high humidity will cause significant rates of heat related death.

He argues businesses need to lead on this at APEC meeting in November proposing to major economies of USA, China and India in particular, to render illegal any action that would prevent mitigation of global warming.

He concluded his presentation:

"Business people, if we are not fighting with our own governments, can lead this and make it happen.
Thats what I'm asking.
A simple agreement led by business, fast.
Because it is business, and I need you to know,
it is business that is causing global warming.
It is business that will kill your children.
It is business which is responsible for lethal humidity.
But it is policies that guide business.
You must hold us to account.
Don't let us with our clever advertising blame you the consumer. Or you the public or individual. Thats rubbish.
Business, guided by government will either destroy or save this planet.
Hold us to account.
Make us change."


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