Australian Targets

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Earth relay action on climate change entertains Sydney Road motorists

Motorists, pedestrians and tram passengers were entertained by environmentalists from Climate Action Moreland during Saturday mid morning shopping traffic snarl on Sydney Road, Brunswick. Wielding a huge blow up planet earth, the activists asked motorist to honk for climate action, cyclists to ring their bell, and pedestrians to sign a petition against the proposed HRL coal fired power station. See Images on Flickr

The event was one of a series called the Say Yes Earth Relay organised by local Environment groups around the State of Victoria and co-ordinated by Environment Victoria. A similar series of events are occurring in New South Wales co-ordinated by the Nature Conservation Council of NSW

Climate Action Moreland sent a message to support the carbon price legislation but also argued that the 5% emissions target by 2020 needs to be increased. The legislation is due to be introduced into Federal Parliament in the next couple of weeks.

The arrival of the Say Yes Earth Relay in Canberra will coincide with the erection of Greenpeace’s Earth Dome, a 4 story tall structure that will be a hub of activities during the week 31 October – 4 November. (Watch Youtube video - Climate Rescue Station - Virtual Tour )

While there were a few placards calling for Julia Gillard to act on climate change and to increase the emissions target, there was none lambasting Tony Abbott for his negative views on positive action on climate change and his seeming support for anti-science climate deniers. Most of the placards were either positive in calling for climate action, support for renewable energy or highlighted scientific issues such as acidification of the oceans, or melting of the ice sheets.

The tone of the messages were in stark contrast to the strident attacks and misogyny of the anti-carbon tax rallies. These rallies have a strong component of ultra conservative groups pushing their own agendas and climate science deniers in attendance using a US styled Tea Party organisational formula advocating an Orwellian Climate of fear, personal greed and small government.

In this atmosphere of righteous denial of climate science and anti-tax revolt (Where were these people when the GST was being proposed by the conservative Howard Government), Climate scientists have been targeted as part of this culture war.

Slideshow of photos (21) from the event:

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