Australian Targets

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Climate scientists rap attack on climate sceptics

Those iconaclastic young journalists of the ABC's Hungry Beast program presented this humourus comedy rap - I am a Climate Scientist - during this weeks program (No 28) broadcast on May 11. Written and performed by Dan Illic and Duncun Elms with several Australian climate scientists, including lead IPCC author Professor Roger Jones. The story was titled 'CLIMATE SCIENCE RAP- there are climate change believers and deniers, but what do the climate change scientists say?'

The song is an attack on climate sceptics who continue to deny that climate change is occurring and is being contributed to by human caused emissions. Journalist Andrew Bolt and Radio talkback compare Alan Jones get special mentions in the song.

You can read about Climate scientist rappers reveal why they did it at Graham Readfearn's Blog. You can read the lyrics, play or download from Dan Ilic's page on Soundcloud - I'm A Climate Scientist - Extended NSFW

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