Photo by Charlie Furman/twitter @DigitalCharlie
Despite the climate denialism in a Trump administration, it will be difficult to stop the zero carbon transition already underway and driven by economic forces, with action by citizens, businesses and states.
As the minutes ticked past midday with Trump's inauguration on January 20, the website was swept clean of anything climate related. Obama's record in this area has been officially archived and Trump's pages announce an America First Energy Plan.
- Killing Obama's climate plan not so easy
- Oil pipelines mired in controversy
- Cost of carbon abolition
- Moratorium on coal leasing on Federal land
- Last minute methane and clean water rules under threat
- Arctic and Atlantic Deep sea drilling put off-limits by Obama
- Paris Agreement
- Reasons for optimism
- California Governor Jerry Brown Climate Hero?
- Obama discusses energy transition in Science
- Obama's Parting payment to Green Climate Fund